Thursday, August 18, 2011

Day 41 under Zombie Infection

Today is the 41th day under Zombie Infection. I had not been writing for past 12 days, as I am being too busy lately with works, personal stuffs and events. As of yesterday was my 29th birthday which I took a day off, slept late and woke up early just to push Vangelice into level 44 which took me a [Tome of Knowledge] & [Lucky Moments] to do so. In the evening, my mum, sis and my wife Varlis took me out to Novena United Square for a celebration dinner at Vienna International Seafood Buffet. There are a wide variety of cuisine mixture of western & eastern famous foods. i had so much till i couldn't take in anymore and it was still filling at even 1-2am in the midnight which I hardly falls into sleep. But after all I have to thanks my mum, sis and wife for this sumptuous feast.

Here is some updates in-game over the period of 12 days which I had not been posting;

There is a event on Radiant Strongbox from 4th to 10th Aug 2011; it was announces that the grand prize for this Strongbox Event is [Vial of Death], [Vial of Life] & [Large & Small Banking Documents]. The VoD & VoL was sooo attractive and I thew in some cash and brought about 50 RS. In the end, it was not my luck to get and VoD or even VoL, over the grand prize I manage to get 1 Large & 2 Small Banking Documents. I was so frustrate but still I could use the Large Banking Documents and got me a Humongous Deposit Box that has 180 slots. And over all I got plenty of Token of Explorer, Mana Batteries, Astral Servant, Guiding Shard and Imbued Keys and of course the Collectors Coins. I pull off 48 Collector Coins and brought me and Varlis a [Replica of Journeyman Jeweler] & also an item which I could not recall its name that gives us additional 10 stats points.

In this 12 days, I manage to get my lvl up from 40 to 44 and I went through Gipat, Defiled Ruins and currently I am at Kirah. While Varlis is a bit slow in progress, she went through Dragon Ring & Yazes Shard and reach Gipat 3 days ago and she is currently lvl 41 now. And also we finally used the free FoD & FoL to respec to our new builds. Not much did I change, just switch off a few rubies from my Vamprism grid and added more to my Puterfy grid to make my character more mobility and better in PVP. As for Varlis, she respec into Holy DPS build which generally also have better mobility build to alternate switch either using S&D for PVP or S&B for more defensive on tanking as off-tank. Now both of our new builds we could do better in AOE.

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